Sunday, August 10, 2014

India Budget 2013-14. How much people know the depth of Budget?

I have always had interest to analyze the Central Government Budgets and Tamil Nadu Govt budgets in unique ways, than what the traditional Media do during Budget season. In the recent times, I would say since 1991, Budgets are viewed more aggressively than any times in the history of India. Many stakeholders have come to play role during Budget season. Media, Lobby groups, Corporate Houses, non-profit organizations like CII, NASSCOM etc, Political Parties, and many others, start demanding their selfish expectations right around the Budget times.

When I want see how many are actually, writing for the sake of the Nation, I only see very few articles. So many of the demands that the Media writes about is:  Seeking Income Tax slab increase. Because its a major selling point for Media. Most salary income people read both local language and English news papers and watch news TV as well.

During the past 20 years since 1991, I have not seen a single story or article in the Media demanding the Income Tax tiers/slabs be tied to Inflation Index of each year, as how much it would be increased or decreased.  And free the Finance Minister from this exercise and save his time each year.  Amend the Income Tax acts to make this change and CBDT can issue circular each year adjusting the Income Tax slabs of that year, adjusted against the Inflation Index of previous year!.

Is this not do-able? Wouldn't this be a direct path to a Developing nation? What good the Harvard educateds are doing to India, when they couldn't even achieve this small progress??

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