Thursday, August 28, 2014

Authentic Truth behind Freedom of India.

On a historic day, July 5th 1945, UK general elections held. Historians still struggling to explain how could the war veteran Winston Churchill lost this election, almost the winning of the War is only a few weeks away.  Historians blamed it on anti-incumbency due to unemployment and general frustration after 6 years of World War II. Another perspective was that British people believed Labor party is better positioned for reconstruction of UK after WWII,  than Conservative party.
Anyhow, the Labor Party leader Clement Attlee assumes office of the Prime Minister of United Kingdom, on 26th July 1945.  

In less than a year after taking over as PM, Mr Attlee announces the UK cabinet's decision, to free India, on 16th March 1946.   Mr Attlee literally decided washing his hands off of largest British colony. Mr Attlee had no interest on the future of India unlike Mr. Churchill. Destiny began on that day, 16th March 1946.   

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