I. Investment proposals: Rs 22,00,000 crore in 2008-09
Rs 10,64,000 crore in 2014-15
Rs 8,00,000 crore in 2015-16.
These numbers reveal that the Investments have been going down for many years. Without improving the investments, Economy can't sustain growth momentum anymore. No fruitful employment will be created.
II. NPAs: Called as Bad Loans in America, the NPAs have hit Rs 1,26,672 Lakh Crores, reached all time high of 7% of the Govt's total budget of Rs. 17,94,892 Lakh Crores. This sounds like a familiar story in Greece, Columbia, Zimbabeve and Venezuela. Those nations reached near Bankruptcy during the past few years.
III. Govt, revised down the direct taxes by 11% on the 28th Feb 2016 for the FY 2015-16.
IV. With all these facts circling in Media houses, more and more Economists are becoming vary of India's GDP growth numbers.